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Table of contents

  1. Create New Routing
  2. File generated after New Routing
  3. Update Routing
  4. Delete Routing

Puko framework have different kind of routing clause “as-is” controller functionality, we call it sorted from most ussage in order: view, service, and console. Puko framework can scaffolds Routing process with pukoconsole tools included as dev-dependency to speed up your web app develpment process.

Create New Routing

To add new Routing, you can type in console/terminal/powershell:

php puko routes <controller_clause> add <rest_style_urls>

rest_style_urls can typed with {?} or ? in PowerShell to identify it as dynamic PHP GET parameters.

For example:

php puko routes view add member/?/reports

Items asked for the rest of process:

Controller nameFile name. You can use \ to place the file in sub-directoriesmember\reports
Function nameFunction namepages
Accept?HTTP verb GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE multiple by commasget,post

Importand: While rotes using / slash, You must using \ backslash for separating controller to prevent directory path error on diferent type of Operating Systems.

File generated after New Routing

After completed, puko is updating and auto-generated these files:


If the routes clause was view puko will also update and auto-generated these files:


You can also see all registered routes with this command:

php puko routes list

All generated routes stored in config/routes.php. So it’s important to not manually edit those file to maintain Routing structure.

Update Routing

If you want to update or modify the HTTP verb accepted from the Routing url registered, you can update it with command:

php puko routes view update member/?/reports

Apply your revision when answering items asked.

Delete Routing

Puko also can remove unused routes with remove command:

php puko routes view remove member/{?}/reports

For security concerns puko not deleting the .php and .html file. You must review and remove it manually.