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Data Object

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Puko framework primarily makes use of plugins\model object instantiation to perform CRUD processing. This feature called Object Data. In order to see how this Data Object works, you can look at the following syntax example:

$tree_seeds = new tree_seeds();
$tree_seeds->price = 35000;
$tree_seeds->tree_type = "Manggo";
$tree_seeds->amount = 5;
$tree_seeds->descriptions = "From seeds";


From the code snippet above we can see that:

  • tree_seeds is the intantiation of a class.
  • tree_seeds have properties in the form of price, tree_type, amount and descriptions.
  • tree_seeds perform the data storage process by calling the save() function.

If you are curious about what the tree seed class itself looks like, then here’s the code:


namespace plugins\model;

use pukoframework\pda\DBI;
use pukoframework\pda\Model;

 * #Table tree_seeds
 * #PrimaryKey id
class tree_seeds extends Model
     * #Column id int(10)
    var $id = null;

     * #Column tree_type varchar(45)
    var $tree_type = null;

     * #Column amount int(5)
    var $amount = null;

     * #Column price int(8)
    var $price = null;

     * #Column descriptions varchar(225)
    var $descriptions = null;


Attention: you don’t need to create this class because it is automatically generated in the scaffolding php puko setup db

The first part to pay attention to is the class declaration:

 * #Table tree_seeds
 * #PrimaryKey id
class tree_seeds extends Model

Where there is a #Table tree_seeds and #PrimaryKey id which shows that the class connected to a table in the database with the name of the table tree_seeds and have a primary key with the name of the column id.

During the scaffolding process, the puko reads the data structure down to the column level. We can also pay attention to the properties that are formed in the class:

 * #Column id int(10)
var $id = null;

Using #Column id int (10) let the puko framework know that the variable associated with the same named column in the database. So what’s so interesting about this method?

  • You can do CRUD processing without writing SQL queries.
  • Create code Completion-able database fields in PHP code.
  • Produces a clean and easy syntax.


Example use of transactional features described:

$v = new vendors();
$v->created = $this->GetServerDateTime();
$v->cuid = 2;

$v->vendors = "Didit Velliz";
$v->phone = "081389001110";
$v->city = "New York";
$v->address = "Testing Street";

//transaction blocks
$transaction = DBI::Transactional('primary', function($dbi) use ($v) {
    //save, delete or update process

    //don't forget to return true or false as commit flag for transaction.
    return true;

The transaction object will evaluated as true or false to determinate is the transactional process sucess for all or failure for all.